Latest News
Schedule for the week
​ Friday night the SkyHawks will host the Elkhorn Antlers. The game between the two highly ranked teams will be at 7:00 on Moylan Field. This is the homecoming game, enjoy all the festivities.
Junior Varsity
Monday at 6:00, the Junior Varsity will host Elkhorn.
Thursday on Moylan field, the freshman will host Elkhorn South. kickoff is scheduled for 5:00.
Pasta feed
​ Thursday the varsity pasta feed will be held after practice in the commons. The feed will be hosted by Hixons, Gromowskys, and Altmans. There is still another family needed to help with Thursday's feed. If you can help please contact one of the above families. We still have one pasta feed on September 28th that we have no volunteers for. I have attached the link again if you can help.